Физика 7 лекций
Физика нейтрино. Часть 1
Студеникин Александр Иванович
Физический факультет
IX семестр

Список всех тем лекций

Лекция 1. What is the main property of neutrino.
The structure of effective hamiltonian Fermi (effective) theory Dirac equation Different types of neutrinos Information on neutrino masses from observation of electron energy spectrum in Beta-decay KATRIN experiment about effective mass of neutrino The probability of Beta-decay of tritium

Лекция 2. Neutrino mass. The end of introduction.
The energy spectrum of electrons depends on neutrino mass Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle The contribution to the final phase space of the final particles How does the distribution depends on the mass of neutrino Curie plot The case of the mass is not 0 Experiments The effect of mixing and oscillations of neutrinos

Лекция 3. Neutrino mixing and oscillations.
Task The most simple case of neutrino mixing and oscillations The neutrino flavour and the mass states The evolution of flavour neutrinos The mixing matrix The probability of oscillations between different flavour neutrino states

Лекция 4. The problem of mixing and oscillations of three neutrinos.
Main points of the previous lecture Oscillation length The problem of mixing and oscillations of three neutrinos Equal energy prescription and equal momentum prescription The probability of neutrino oscillations in case of equal momentum prescription The probability of neutrino oscillations in case of equal energy prescription The maximal degree of suppression of initial flavour neutrino for N neutrinos

Лекция 5. Continuation of the discussion of the phenomenon of neutrino mixing.
Sterile neutrinos type neutrino during the time t The method of Lagrange multipliers The limits on the appearance of oscillation phenomenon are due to coherence The energy momentum conservation Observations The criteria of coherence and 2

Лекция 6. The coherence of neutrino states and deriving of the condition under which the phenomena of mixing and oscillations may appear.

Лекция 7. Neutrino mixing and oscillations in matter.