Список всех тем лекций
Lecture 1. Basics of Functional Analysis. Metric Spaces.
Examples of Metric Spaces
Separable Spaces
Maps of Metric Spaces
Properties of Complete Metric Spaces
Lecture 2. Metric Spaces. Normed Spaces. Seminorms and Polynormed Spaces. Banach Spaces.
Wrapping Up the Previous Lecture: Properties of Complete Metric Spaces
Normed Spaces
An Example of a Linear Metric Space with a Shift-Invariant Metric That Is Not a Normed Space
Seminorms and Polynormed Spaces
Banach Spaces
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 3. Euclidean and Hilbert Spaces.
Proof of the Uniqueness of the Completion
Why Banach Spaces Are not Good Enough
Euclidean and Hilbert Spaces
Properties of Dot Product
Orthogonal Systems in Euclidean and Hilbert Spaces
Lecture 4. Separable Hilbert Spaces. Bases in Hilbert Spaces.
Further Development of the Previous Lecture: Existence of an Orthonormal Basis in Separable Hilbert Space
Applications to Quantum Mechanics and Isometric Isomorphisms of Separable Hilbert Spaces
Discussion of Self-Study Problems
Typical Examples of Hilbert Spaces
Exercises: Typical Examples of Bases in Hilbert Spaces
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 5. Compact and Precompact Sets in Metric Spaces.
Compactness Criteria
Example: Closed Unit Ball in ℓ₂ is Not Compact
Corollary: Unit Closed Ball is not Compact in Infinite-Dimensional Space
Hausdorff Criterion for Precompactness
Criteria for Precompactness in Specific Normed Spaces
Lecture 6. Compact and Precompact Sets: Exercises.
Proof of the Arzelà–Ascoli Theorem
Theorem on Precompact Sets in Lₚ (Without Proof)
Discussion of Self-Study Exercises from the Previous Lecture
Exercises on Precompactness
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 7. Linear Operators and Functionals in Normed Spaces.
Bounded Operators
Examples: Finding Norms of Operators
B(X, Y) is Banach if Y is Banach
Linear Functionals and Adjoint Spaces
Lecture 8. Linear Operators and Functionals in Normed Spaces: Exercises.
Discussion of Self-Study Exercises from the Previous Lecture
Exercises on Bounded Operators and Functionals
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 9. The Hahn–Banach Theorem and the Corollaries.
The Hahn–Banach Theorem
Corollaries of the Hahn–Banach Theorem
Reflexive Spaces
Adjoint Space to C[a,b]
Lecture 10. (C[a,b])*. Norms of Functionals.
Discussion of Self-Study Problems from the Previous Lecture
Adjoint Space to C[a,b]
Example of Finding the Norm of a Functional
Self-Study Problems
Lecture 11. Hilbert Space Duality. Modes of Convergence.
Riesz Representation Theorem
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Modes of Convergence in Normed Spaces
Modes of Convergence in B(X,Y)
Lecture 12. Reproducing Kernels and Weak Convergence: Exercises.
Discussion of Self-Study Problems from the Previous Lecture
Exercises on Reproducing Kernels and Weak Convergence
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 13. Adjoint, Self-Adjoint, and Normal Operators. Hellinger–Toeplitz Theorem.
(Banach) Adjoint Operators
Hilbert Adjoint Operators
Self-Adjoint Operators
Examples and Properties of Normal Operators
Quadratic Form Associated to an Operator
Boundedness and Weak Boundedness of Sets in Normed Spaces
Hellinger–Toeplitz Theorem
Lecture 14. Adjoint Operators: Exercises.
Discussion of Self-Study Problems from the Previous Lecture
Exercises on Adjoint Operators
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 15. Compact Operators. Inverse Operator.
Properties of Compact Operators
Example: Integral Operators in C[a,b] and L₂[a.b]
Inverse Operator
Example: Inverse Operator to the Left-Shift Operator
Two-Sided Inverse Operator is Linear
Lecture 16. Exercises on Compact and Inverse Operators.
Discussion of the Self-Study Problems from the Previous Lecture
Exercises on Compact Operators
Relation Between Notions of Compact and Adjoint Operators
Exercises on Inverse Operators
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 17. Spectrum of a Bounded Operator. Classification of Points in the Spectrum.
Banach Bounded Inverse Theorem
Properties of the Spectrum
Spectrum of the Adjoint Operator
Spectrum of a Normal Operator
Spectrum of a Self-Adjoint Operator
Spectral Radius
Lecture 18. Exercises on Spectra of Operators.
Discussion of the Self-Study Problems from the Previous Lecture
Spectra of Similar Operators
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 19. The Hilbert–Schmidt Theorem.
Weyl Sequences
Application of Weyl Sequences to Study the Spectrum of Multiplication Operator
The Hilbert–Schmidt Theorem: Auxiliary Propositions
The Hilbert–Schmidt Theorem
Example: a Compact Operator in ℓ₂
Lecture 20. Applications of the Hilbert–Schmidt Theorem.
Discussion of Self-Study Exercises from the Previous Lecture
Exercises: Applications of the Hilbert–Schmidt Theorem
Schatten–von Neumann Classes and Nuclear Operators
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 21. Fredholm Theory.
Fredholm Theory: Introduction
Auxiliary Lemmas
Fredholm Solvability Conditions
The Fredholm Alternative
The Third Fredholm Theorem
History of the Fredholm Theory
Corollaries: Spectra of Compact Operators in Banach Spaces
Lecture 22. Fredholm Theory: Exercises.
Localization of Eigenvalues of a Compact Operator
Discussion of the Self-Study Problems from the Previous Lecture
Fredholm Theory: Exercises
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 23. Unbounded Operators: Introduction.
Volterra Operators
Examples of Volterra Operators
Unbounded Operators: Introduction
Closed Operators
Example of a Nonclosed Operator
Closable Operators
The Adjoint of an Unbounded Operator
Theorem: A* is Closed
Closability of a Densely Defined Operator
Lecture 24. Symmetric Operators.
Discussion of the Self-Study Problems from the Previous Lecture
Properties of Relatively Bounded Operators
The Set of Regular Points
Self-Adjointness of a Closed Symmetric Operator with n₊(A)=n₋(A)=0
Examples: Non-Self-Adjoint Symmetric Operators and Self-Adjoint Extensions
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 25. Isometric Operators and the Cayley Transform. Self-Adjoint Extensions of Symmetric Operators.
Regular Points and Deficiency Indices of an Isometric Operator
Unitary Operators
Cayley Transform
Domain of the Adjoint of a Symmetric Operator
Description of Self-Adjoint Extensions of a Symmetric Operator in Terms of Extensions of the Corresponding Isometry
Lecture 26. Functional Calculus.
Spectral Theorem: Introduction
Spectral Mapping Theorem
Continuous Functional Calculus
Borel Functional Calculus
Example: Projection-Valued Measure
Projection-Valued Measure for a Finite-Dimensional Operator and a Multiplication Operator
Self-Study Exercises
Lecture 27. Spectral Theorem for Self-Adjoint Operators. Fourier Transform in L₁.
Cyclic Vectors
Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators with Simple Spectrum
Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators
Fourier Transform
Properties of the Fourier Transform in L₁
Lecture 28. Fourier Transform in L₁, S, and L₂.
Properties of the Fourier Transform in L₁: Further Discussion
The Fourier Transform in Schwartz Space
The Fourier Transform in L₂
Unitarity of the Fourier Transform in L₂
Spectrum of the Fourier Transform in L₂
Example: Calculation of the Fourier Transform
Lecture 29. Test Functions and Distributions.
Lecture 30. Convolution.